HELENA– The Montana Chamber of Commerce applauds U.S. Sen. Steve Daines and U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte for receiving the U.S. Chamber’s “Spirit of Enterprise Award” for their strong support for pro-business policies in the first session of the 115th Congress (2017). The Montana Chamber will recognize Daines and Gianforte at events this spring in Montana, after receiving the award in Washington, DC.
“This award demonstrates these legislators’ commitment to improving America’s economy,” said Webb Brown, president and CEO of the Montana Chamber. “In recognition of their votes on issues like federal tax reform and the confirmation of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, Sen. Daines and Rep. Gianforte worked hard to deliver wins for the country and, thereby, Montana. This parallels our work in the state through Envision 2026, the Montana Chamber’s ten-year strategic plan.”
“It’s a good time to be doing business in America, thanks to a slate of legislative accomplishments that laid the groundwork for more job creation and economic growth,” said Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in a press release. “The efforts of these elected leaders to advance commonsense, growth-oriented legislation will help Main Street American businesses thrive. We commend these members of Congress for their commitment to promoting and protecting American free enterprise and economic prosperity.”
The U.S. Chamber, the world’s largest business federation, distributes the Spirit of Enterprise Award based on rankings it gives members of Congress in its annual publication, ” How They Voted.” Votes included in the rankings must be recorded floor votes on U.S. Chamber legislative priorities. In order to receive the Spirit of Enterprise Award, members must have supported the U.S. Chamber’s position on 70 percent of their votes.
In his first term, Gianforte scored 100 percent in the U.S. Chamber’s “How They Voted” publication. Daines received an 86 percent score for the 115th Congress and maintains a cumulative score of 87 percent. In one of the most critical decisions, Daines voted to approve Judge Gorsuch as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The U.S. Chamber honored 249 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 48 members of the U.S. Senate this year. This is the 30th year that the U.S. Chamber has honored members of Congress with this award.
As a separate organization from the U.S. Chamber, the Montana Chamber releases its own publications that review all branches of Montana government. After the Legislature adjourns, the Montana Chamber releases a Voting Review of Montana legislators and the Governor. In even-numbered years, the Montana Chamber publishes a Judicial Review of the Montana Supreme Court and Workers’ Compensation Court.
Since it’s formation in 1931, the Montana Chamber of Commerce has been the state’s leading business advocate, representing more than 1,000 members, from the state’s largest businesses, to Main Street “mom-and-pop’s.”
For Immediate Release
March 22, 2018
Media Contact: Communications Director Alexandria Klapmeier
(C) 406-437-4634 or [email protected]