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Delegation can be a powerful tool from a leadership standpoint in a couple of different realms. For the individual, delegation can be a great time management instrument. For the organization, delegation can be a way to empower and develop our employees.

From a time management standpoint, delegation may allow us to better balance our workload. We are working in a time where everyone is doing more with less. Workloads and stress are high. Do you have an opportunity to distribute some of your workload?

For those that feel overwhelmed with everything on your plate, sit down some evening and make a list of everything you feel you are responsible for. Sleep on the list. Look at it the next day with a critical eye. Are there items on your list you shouldn’t even be in the middle of? Are there items that could be delegated to someone as a development opportunity?
Our employees can be developed and empowered through delegation. Delegation is not dumping your work on someone else and getting rid of tasks you no longer want to do by passing them on to someone else. If others have time to assist, and you can dump some of your workload, dump. Delegation is giving up key tasks and responsibilities that you do well and have been probably recognized for in the past. You are giving these tasks and
responsibilities up to someone else as a professional growth opportunity.
Organizations that embrace a culture of delegation realize the following benefits:
  • Employees are given opportunities to develop new skills.
  • You, as a leader, have an opportunity to develop employees.
  • Your organization builds a deeper, more experienced pool of talent.
Questions to consider determining how comfortable you are with delegating:
  • How much confidence do you have in your employees?
  • How ready are your employees to assume responsibility?
  • Are your employees committed to organizational goals?
  • How urgent is the assignment?
  • Does your company’s culture value delegation?
Delegation builds trust with staff. If you delegate, and your staff does not do the project exactly as you would, resist the urge to take the project back right away. This will break trust with staff and show that you do not have confidence in them. Be there for them as a coach to guide them the correct direction.
Give serious consideration as to how delegation could benefit you and your organization. I know some of us can get in the mindset of: “by the time I explain the project, show them how to do it, and fix it, it would have been easier to do it myself.” Yes, it might have been easier in the short term, but does this approach empower and develop your staff to do more for you down the road?

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