Stop & Appreciate What’s Important to You
From Our President/CEO, Todd O’Hair
Our oldest son, Nathan is home from medical school at OHSU in Portland. Paul Allyn, our 17 year old has his winter break divided between working at Murdoch’s Farm and Ranch Supply and a goose hunting trip near Glasgow. Sophie, almost half way through her 8th grade year, can hardly wait for basketball season to start. Both my parents are healthy and living their best life ever, working every day on the family ranch.
I’m blessed. This Christmas, I’m especially thankful for all that is right in this world.
As we roll into the holidays and wrap up the year, make sure you take time to stop and appreciate what’s most important to you. We will pause the Montana Business Brief next week as the Chamber team takes time to rest ahead of a busy January. It will resume in the New Year on Wednesdays to include Capitol Connection Roundtable recaps.
Thank you for your support and commitment to the Montana Chamber of Commerce and the great state of Montana
Merry Christmas!