Business Days at the Capitol 2022 deemed huge success!
First of all, thank you to all our speakers, sponsors and attendees for the MT Chamber’s annual Business Days at the Capitol. It was a record year, with registrations selling out earlier than ever, sponsorship at an all time high and the highest quality of presenters. If you missed this years Business Days at the Capitol, here’s a little of what you missed.
- Microsoft’s Corporate VP Talent, Learning and Insights, Montana native, Joe Whittinghill, led a discussion on how business needs to adapt to the changing workforce. More flexibility and sense of community were among the growing expectations among the global workforce.
- First time ever! The Governor’s entire Cabinet in one place at the same time. From the Department of Lottery to the Department of Livestock, the Governor Gianforte’s full cabinet outlined their efforts to improve business transactions and increase efficiency in state government.
- Republican and Democratic leadership outline legislative wins and priorities going into the next legislative session. Both parties underscored their friendships, despite their differences, as highlights in navigating a session in unprecedented times.
- Supply chain challenges will dog us for some time to come as every country in the world grapples with worker shortages, backlog transportation and conflicting government mandates
- Taxes. Experts from Eide Bailley reviewed the ongoing discussion on tax policy at the national and state level—significant changes still under consideration at the national level and significant changes in MT now officially effective.
- Survey results! Historically one of the worst states for legal climate as surveyed by legal experts, Montana is now among the top ten best. Predictability improves Montana’s business climate.
- Governor Gianforte reflects on a successful first session and prepares for 2023.
- Connecting with old friends and developing new relationships. The Montana Chamber of Commerce is the leading statewide convening authority.
In the next few days, you’ll be able to view recorded sessions and download presentations at 2022 Business Days at the Capitol – Montana Chamber of Commerce
2023 Business Days at the Capitol is already on the calendar—January 2-3. With the huge success of this year and 2023 being a legislative year, we expect 2023 Business Days at the Capitol to be even bigger. At the Montana Chamber, we are making plans to make it even better.
Thanks again to all who attended, sponsored and led interesting conversations on issues affecting Montana business.