Governor Gianforte last week issued guidance to clarify how President Biden’s vaccination mandate of American employees will impact federal contracts being carried out in Montana.
From the Governor’s letter:
In September, President Biden issued an executive order, entitled “Executive Order on Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors.” This order, which directs new or renewed federal contracts to require COVID-19 vaccination for contractor and subcontractor employees, has raised concerns and created confusion for Montana employees and employers, who are already struggling with a workforce shortage.
The guidance proceeds to make the case that Biden’s mandate is unenforceable in Montana due to state law passed during the 2021 legislative session that makes illegal COVID-19 vaccine mandates, including as a condition of employment.
If you are a Montana employer and contracted with the federal government, we encourage you to review this guidance and discuss it with your legal counsel as necessary.
To read the Governor’s guidance regarding the Biden vaccine mandate, please click HERE.