Matt Jones, 2021-2022 Chamber President
HELENA, 10/27/2021- The Montana Chamber of Commerce announced today the appointment of three to the Board of Directors. This brings the number of Board members to 26.
Newly elected Board members include Blair Fjeseth, Montana Health CO-OP; Dan Carter, ExxonMobil; and Kristi Gee, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce.
The Montana Chamber’s Board members represent corporations and businesses of all sizes across multiple industries and provide guidance and counsel at the highest level to achieve the Chamber’s mission and goals.
The Executive Committee and Chamber Board are led by 2022 Chairman of the Board Matt Jones, BNSF Railway; Courtney Kibblewhite Northern Broadcasting System; Paul Hopfauf MDU Resources; Nancy Schlepp, Sandfire America; Dave Hoffman, NorthWestern Energy; Marcy Mutch, First Interstate Bank; and Montana Chamber President and CEO, Todd O’Hair.
“The Montana Chamber of Commerce is the leading business organization in the State with almost 700 members from many different industries. Our unified influence allows us to be a strong voice for commerce,” said Chairman of the Board, Matt Jones. “With our new slate of board leaders, the Montana Chamber delivers continuous value-added service to its members and the business community with expertise, talent, and knowledge.”
“It’s an honor to be chosen to serve on this board,” Blair Fjeseth VP at Mountain Health CO-OP said. “The Chamber of Commerce in my eyes is a strong voice for the business community, a steady resource for entrepreneurship and is the intersectionality between private business and public need.”
To join the Montana Chamber of Commerce, visit https://www.montanachamber.com/membership/join/www.montanachamber.com or call 406.431.3248.