Addie Lordemann, the Senior Manufacturing Engineer for 3M, will keynote the luncheon at the 2018 Manufacturing & International Trade Day.
Lordemann is a Glendive native and a graduate of Montana State University with a bachelor’s degree in Chemical & Biological Engineering. In 2016, Lordemann received a prestigious national award, the STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering & Production) Ahead Emerging Leaders Award, through the Manufacturing Institute of the National Association of Manufacturers.
Manufacturing & International Trade Day is the Montana Chamber’s annual event with seminars, exhibits, and a luncheon, where awards for the 2017 Manufacturer of the Year and 2017 Exporter of the Year will be presented. To nominate for the Manufacturer of the Year and Exporter of the Year awards, click on the links below.
Registration is $30/person (includes lunch). For additional details, and to register, click here!
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Thank you to current sponsors:
NorthWestern Energy